Electronic Ignition System S125 And Dinoplex AEC 103
- complete distributor with inductive sensor
- Dinoplex housing including a modern electronic CDI with programmable advance curve
- high quality ignition leads
- high quality coil, well selected to suit the complete system.
This system for your Dino meets all requiremends in regards to original optics and perfect reliable function.
- original optic: distributor as well as the dinoplex in original housing.
- The fiddly advance mechanism of the original distributor is being replaced by a one piece shaft. The advance curve is programmed on the electronics built into the Dinoplex housing.
- All of the used electronic components are made in industrial standard and have proven reliability in thousands of engines already.
- Design and machining of the mechanical components as well as the selection of the materials used are in highest quality.
- With this ignitinon system the inductive sensor is the only electronic component in the distributor. All other electronics are in the Dinoplex housing, disconnected from the engines high temperatures and vibrations.
- The CDI provides more than enough ignition power.